Don’t know how to celebrate World Ocean Day this year? We have a few ideas:
This year’s World Ocean Day theme this year is “One Ocean. One Climate. One Future.” One of Dee’s BIOL 305 students, Giovanna Esquivel, created this powerful PSA reminding us how our actions impact our world. Whether you’ve never been to the ocean or you go every day, what we use on land like plastics and fertilizer that we use end up in the ocean.
Many of our Video Storytelling students found inspiration in the ocean. Here are a few student-shot snorkeling videos that they created into mesmerizing natural history videos:
🌊 Take a dive into the waters of Puerto Galera and learn about the different types of camouflage its inhabitants use to evade predators or confuse their prey.
Student: Kai White
Quarter: Spring 2019
🐠🫧 In this pilot episode of “Garrett Knoll’s Adventures Under the Sea,” our host describes the coastal ecosystem of the California kelp forests around Santa Catalina Island, and the coral reefs off of Martinique.
Student: Garrett Knoll
Quarter: Spring 2015
🪸 The underwater life of the Hawaiian Islands relies on the ever present coral reefs to survive. From tiny zooplankton to manta rays, coral reefs provide shelter and food for all types of wildlife.
Student: Taylor Sekizaki
Quarter: Spring 2015
Of course, what would World Ocean Day be at the Center for Ecosystem Sentinels without mentioning penguins? Check out our paper “Changing course: Relocating commercial tanker lanes significantly reduces threat of chronic oiling for a top marine predator” for some hope. Policies can make a difference in our oceans! Full article:

No matter how you choose to celebrate World Ocean Day, we hope you fill it with wonderment and curiosity about our oceans.