Our Supporters

No research team can do it alone – thank you to all of our collaborators and supporters, past and present, who have helped us purchase flights, obtain permits, pay our salaries, and afford new equipment over the decades. We could not get this far, nor continue, without you.

Interested in supporting our research efforts? Donate to one of our funds, sign up for our newsletter, and share our social media posts with your friends and family. Awareness or our work can go a long way!


Alfred P Sloan Foundation
California Marine Sanctuary Foundation
David & Lucille Packard Foundation
Detroit Zoological Society
eScience Institute through AI@UW
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Galapagos Conservancy
Hugh and Jane Ferguson Foundation
Individual donors
Leiden Conservation Foundation
The Namaste Foundation Inc.
National Science Foundation
The Nature Conservancy
NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Phil Zwickler Charitable and Memorial Foundation Trust
Pincus Family Foundation
Sacramento Zoo
The San Diego Foundation
Tortuga Foundation
University of Washington
Wolf Creek Charitable Foundation
Zoo Augsburg
Zoologische Gesellschaft Frankfurt


Benioff Ocean Science Laboratory / WhaleSafe
Chubut Province of Argentina
Estancia La Perla
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Fundación Jocotoco
NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Parque Nacional Galapagos
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance
SilverSeas Cruises
Thalassa Journeys
Wild Entrust / Botswana Predator Conservation
Wildlife Conservation Society
Woodland Park Zoo

Past supporters

Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund
National Geographic
Sea World & Busch Gardens Conservation Fund
other various family foundations, zoos and aquariums, and individual donors.

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