Dr. Dee Boersma will be a playable character in new board game Waddle Waddle

That’s right- Dee will be featured in a board game! Joining her are Dr. Pablo “Popi” Boroboroglu, Dr. Heather Lynch, Dr. Lloyd Spencer Davis, Dylan deNapoli, and Dr. Katrin Ludynia. Get a $5 discount on your own copy of Waddle Waddle by signing up for updates on their GameFound site.

Here’s what Brush-Tail Games said about adding Dee to the game:

We are excited to reveal the identity of our third official Penguin Hero, Dr. P Dee Boersma!

It’s safe to say that there is no one who has studied and conserved penguins longer than Dee Boersma. Dee has been working to conserve penguins since the 1970s and is still going strong today. In fact this announcement had to wait for Dee to get back home from another field trip to the Antarctic.

Dee has done so much for penguins that we had to reduce the point size on her Waddle Waddle bio to fit just a tiny fraction of her work in the rulebook! Her latest title is Founder of the Center for Ecosystem Sentinels at the University of Washington, an organization that advances the conservation of species that are sentinels in their ecosystems—like penguins.

There could literally be a book on Dee herself (and maybe one day there will be), so rather than repeat it all here, you can start your journey of learning about Dee’s work by checking out the website for the Center For Ecosystem Sentinels: https://ecosystemsentinels.org

We are so excited to see this game in person 🐧

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