Welcome Marie-Pier and Meredith!

The Abrahms Lab is growing! This fall we will have two new grad students join us in the Center:

Meredith Honig
Penguin Camp

Meredith is interested in how species interactions shape ecological communities and wildlife population dynamics, especially in the implications of global climate change on these processes. She received a BS in Wildlife and Conservation Biology from the University of California, Davis in 2020. Meredith’s previous research experiences have encompassed a wide variety of topics including shark social behavior, hummingbird disease ecology, and large carnivore conservation and management. Before coming to the University of Washington, she also conducted research on how adaptation to climate change alters physiology and predator-prey interactions in marine plankton. In her free time, Meredith enjoys running, spending time outdoors, attempting to teach her cat how to walk on a leash, and birdwatching. 

Marie-Pier Poulin
Dog Camp

Marie-Pier is broadly interested in how group-living animals respond to changing environments, and how sociality may mediate the fitness consequences of behaviors in the context of global change. She received her BS in Biology from the Université du Québec in Rimouski in 2019, where she tracked arctic foxes in the Canadian tundra for her undergraduate research. She completed her MS in 2022 at the University of Wyoming, studying the influence of forage availability and sociality on road crossing behavior in elk. Before joining the Abrahms lab, she also conducted research on the connections between habitat configuration and social contacts to understand disease spread across large landscapes. Marie-Pier enjoys spending time in the mountains, riding her bikes, skiing on sunny winter days, and snacking during outdoor adventures.

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