As you might’ve guessed – we like our seabirds here. Check out all the ways we celebrate seabirds at the Center for Ecosystem Sentinels:
Student YouTube Videos
We bring to you a new video: Taken from the Skies, by Samanth-Lynn Martinez. This video does not mince words about the damage we are doing to our seabird populations. Share this call to action with your friends:
Putting side the many videos of penguins we have on our channel, we also have:
🦅 From gannets to shearwaters, earn about the seabirds in New Zealand and the Galápagos Islands!
Student: Timothy Kenney
Quarter: Spring 2018
🪶 Why is the Flightless Cormorant…well, flightless? Learn how the Flightless Cormorant’s anatomy differs from other Cormorants.
Student: Naomi Graham
Quarter: Spring 2019
💙 Dive into the life of the Blue-Footed Booby
Student: Carly McCray
Quarter: Spring 2018
Recent Research
Here’s a look at some of our more recent research about seabirds, including petrals, auklets, and (of course) penguins:
Plasticity syndromes in wild vertebrates: Patterns and consequences of individual variation in plasticity across multiple behaviours
From abstract:“Using a 40-year dataset on free-ranging Magellanic penguins, we…
Foot darkening with age in Spheniscus penguins: applications and functions
From the abstract: “We found that Spheniscus penguins have pale…
Increasing environmental variability inhibits evolutionary rescue in a long-lived vertebrate
“Using a multidecadal dataset on Magellanic penguins, we show that…
A fearful scourge to the penguin colonies: Southern giant petrel (Macronectes giganteus) predation on living Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) may be more common than assumed
Authors: Dr. Eric Wagner, Dr. Ginger Rebstock and Dr. P…
How Can You Help?
The Center for Ecosystem Sentinels relies on private donations to keep the science going. Donate today to help us help the seabirds!